Online Summer School

The Fitzwilliam College Summer School Programme is a unique online Summer School organised by Fitzwilliam College. This is the second year we will be offering this programme, following our first successful online Summer School in 2023.

The Short Courses that we are offering are exclusively taught by academics from across our University and its constituent Colleges. The programme aims to let secondary school students experience the type of advanced teaching offered at our institution. The same academics who teach our undergraduate students will help the participating students to develop their academic skills. The challenging problem-solving and discussion sessions will reflect the style of undergraduate supervisions, which are the core of the excellent teaching offered at our University. 

In the summer of 2024 we are offering 2-week long courses in Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Psychology and Neuroscience, Computer Science, Mathematical Economics, Chemistry, Nuclear Science and Technology, History and Archaeology. See details in our Brochure here.

The Short Courses are open exclusively for applications from international Chinese student, who can sign up for our courses through SEED ASDAN. For further information please visit their website.

The best essays produced by participants of the Winter School Programme 2024 are displayed in our Winter School Journal.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Online Summer School!